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Photo of two people stood in a communal garden

Community Investment Fund

To help increase the amount of support taking place across Torus communities, community groups and local organisations are able to apply to Torus Foundation's Community Investment Fund (CIF).

Torus Foundation offers small grants to charities, community groups and local organisations who are delivering vital work in Torus communities. 

All applications must support one or more of the Foundation's focus areas that benefit Torus tenants and residents, and those living within Torus neighbourhoods:

  • Employment and skills
  • Financial inclusion
  • Youth services
  • Health and Wellbeing

Grants of up to £1,500 are available to apply for. Please speak to a member of the Fundraising Team about specific funding limits for projects, deadlines for applications and eligibility criteria including delivery within specific geographic areas.

Please note, applications will only be accepted from small charities and not-for-profit companies with a total income of less than £500,000 and with less than 9 months operating costs held in reserves. Due diligence checks will be completed for all applicants. Statutory Agencies such as the Police and Local Authorities are not eligible to apply, however, the Foundation will consider requests from Children’s Centres.

Funding decisions are made by the Community Investment Fund Panel made up of Torus tenants.

To apply

To begin the process, please email with 'CIF (and your group name)' in the subject bar.

Our team will then contact you to determine eligibility and share the link to our online application form, along with a guidance document.

How we can help you