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DWF Foundation, an independent charity, founded by DWF, awarded Torus Foundation £1,000 to support the creation of a community garden and growing space at Foundry Wharf, one of Torus’ Extra Care Schemes for older residents in St Helens.

DWF Foundation’s sole aim is providing funds, resources and mentoring support to help individuals, groups and communities to achieve their full potential. The funding enabled Torus Foundation to support residents, all of whom are aged over 55 and some with underlying health conditions, to establish a gardening group and raised garden beds.

Essential equipment was also secured such as soil, seeds, plants and gardening tools, enabling residents to start growing their own produce. St Helens Chamber also kindly built accessible raised beds in the garden to support the project further.

The residents have been able to increase their physical activity and improve their mobility and knowledge of horticulture. By reducing social isolation through regular engagement, the initiative is also helping to improve their mental wellbeing, which is equally important as their physical health.


awarded to support the creation of a community garden


Residents established gardening group meeting daily


Volunteers now undertake regular maintenance of the garden area


A further 125 residents have access to garden space

“We’re out in the fresh air so gardening is a good boost if you’re feeling a bit low.”

Denise, Foundry Wharf resident

“It’s been a really good project to be involved in for the community here. It’s been helping to build relationships and we’re enjoying being out in nature. We’re looking forward to seeing the fruits of our labour!”

Lil, Foundry Wharf resident

“At Torus Foundation, we’re proud to work alongside corporate organisations with shared values, to deliver meaningful social value projects in our communities. There are multiple opportunities across the charity to help develop new strategic corporate partnerships, sharing knowledge and expertise to create exciting new projects.”

Steph Hill, Torus Foundation Business Development and Fundraising Manager

If, like DWF Foundation, your organisation would like to help enhance the support from Torus Foundation to communities across the North West, please get in touch by emailing or call 0300 123 5809 (option 2) and ask to speak to Fundraising.

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