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During an initial chat with Torus Foundation, Demi said that she had no life or hardship issues, had a stable job, no debt and a nice home, but yearned for a career and not just a job.

Although Demi felt safe and familiar in her work surroundings, she wanted a challenge and agreed to let the Foundation help her to take that next step.

From the offset, it was clear that Demi was extremely capable and ambitious. Together Demi and the Foundation discussed various roles, skills matching, potential development roles and then took the decision to consider up-and-coming local/national and international businesses that had potential to offer Demi the opportunity for growth and development.

Over the five months of working together, various roles were considered before focusing on the company MJ Quinn, who is conjunction with BT service the country’s Fibre Optic installations and servicing.

The Foundation worked with Demi to complete some motivational sessions and applications for suitable vacancies.

This summer, Demi secured a role with MJ Quinn – as a planner. A great opportunity and platform for Demi to development. MJ Quinn job roles span far and wide and Demi now has the chance to settle in the role, perform and grow.

Demi has plans to learn all the new skills required for this new job role. Through building her networking across teams and departments, Demi knows this will help her embed herself into the company.

Employment and Skills Advisor, Joan comments, “Demi has fabulous attitude, a clear determination and will succeed with MJ Quinn and beyond!

“She’s been a delight to work with. We believe she only needed some positive reinforcement, clear guidance and a self-marketing strategy to make that change happen. This new job outcome, with fresh challenge is testament to Demi’s hard work and perseverance.

Demi adds, “I was first contacted as a Torus customer checking if I needed help with employment due to COVID. I would like to say thank you to Joan and Toru Foundation for motivating me and giving me the push I needed into finding my new career. I couldn’t have done this without the programme. Although I had a full time jobI wanted to find a new career path, which I have now found thanks to the team and looking forward to start my new venture.”

To see how Torus Foundation could help you reach your full potential, head to Talent Pool and register your interest.

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