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The Employment and Skills Advisors work internally within Torus and with local organisations and businesses to help you to improve your skills and explore new opportunities through volunteering and work placements.

Volunteering and work placements can help you to:   

  • Develop skills
  • Boost your confidence and well-being
  • Meet new people and develop contacts 
  • Gain practicable experience 
  • Improve your CV with up-to-date work experience

“I am really enjoying my volunteering, I go out on the vans and help in the shop. Torus Foundation have really helped me, and I have made new friends and learnt new skills.” 

– Stephen

“Offering a high-quality volunteer opportunity really proved advantageous for our team. Otto seamlessly integrated into the team, adeptly tackling any assigned task while consistently surpassing deadlines. He’s resourcefulness, keen eye for detail and conscientious approach demonstrated the substantial impact that utilizing volunteers' diverse skill sets can have on our collective success.”

- Vivien Burns, Torus Complex Buildings Operations Manager

If you are out of work or are just maybe looking to develop your skills, our friendly team can help you. Get in touch with the team to find out more. Email

How we can help you